Mental Stress
Hi sir iam facing mental stress from last 6 months due to my work nature. I am civil contractor not able to take right decisions in work and I feel lot of stress. Main problem is not able to give correct response to my workers . Please suggest me how to control my stress. Thank you
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Hello. Have you been working as a civil contractor for a long time or has your role changed recently? If you are experiencing the issues after a change in role then the best way to deal with it will be to look at how the job stress can be decreased and how you can be more efficient and assertive. There could be an underlying depressive or anxiety disorder which may need treatment.
Next Steps
See a psychiatrist who will diagnose and treat any underlying depression. You may need to see a psychologist for therapy.
Health Tips
Talk to family and friends about your issues. If there are colleagues who will understand, talk to them too.
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Hello there, A little bit of job related stress is normal to feel and experience, however, if you feel that it goes beyond some intervention might be required. You can start by talking to someone reliable asking what more you can do to enhance your job performance and to make it easier for you to handle. If an understanding of that doesn’t help, perhaps you could try to visit a Psychologist or do some mediation or relaxation exercises, like deep breathing.
Next Steps
Talk to someone reliable for inputs and feedback. Else consult Psychologist
Health Tips
Try 30 minutes walk daily / yoga/ meditation/ sports
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I think you lack planning g and coordination. Prioritise and then plan you day the previous night itself according to the next day's requisite.
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Hi thanks for your approach. Are you experiencing this pressure of work in early days also, how long you have been in this work profession. Some times if you are not enjoying the nature of work, your tiny responsibility also looks big burden for you. So introspect yourself what is it thats making you so much stressful, in which you cannot manage your self/ taking decisions in the different situation. Something might be bothering for you. some time personal life stress also will have an impact on professional life. think about it. please visit counsellor/ psychologist in your place. With there help you can overcome the feeling and manage yourself in better way.
Next Steps
For further evaluation please visit psychologist.
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This question featured in :

Stress response cycle Mental disorders caused by stress What is work related stress
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