Missing period
Which medicine should i take to induce my periods....which are missed dur to ipill taken 3 mnths ago...had 2 times periods but in month of december missed periods...which is withdrawals medicine to make my periods come regularly as it was before ipill taken
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Hello, You should avoid taking medicines without prescription. Visit a gynecologist and then take the prescribed medications to induce your periods.
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Meet a gynecologist
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Hello.. Well due to I pills your hormones have been disturbed causing changes...I would suggest you to meet a gynecologist first so that we can get detailed history and then I think you require ocps for regularising it...
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meet a gynaecologist first
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Hi. Do first urine pregnancy test. If its negative then only you can take medicine. For any medicine you need to have prescription.
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Don't take over the counter drugs.. Meet a gynac near by  and take advice ..
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Missed period after ipill
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