Moderate High prolactin level
My prolactin level is 180 ng/ml. Can this be treated with medicines? What diet changes needs to be done? Is this high level could be harmful. Any suggestions on medicines or home remedies?
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Take rest and don't tire yourself
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You need proper investigations and reach a diagnosis for that. Can be treated medically. Please consult a gynaecologist for thorough evaluation.
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Serum Prolactin has to be tested in a good lab. by taking 3 blood samples every 30 minutes and equal serum mixed and sent to lab. So first repeat test with a good lab by giving blood this way
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prolactin level is too high. but this is normal for lactating women. if you are taking medication for gastritis, stop it immediately. Need to reconfirm it and rule out macroadenoma. If there is no macroadenoma then it can be treated with medicines. No role of diet therapy for this.
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Get MRI brain....
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review with report
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Take cabergoline twice . 5weekly... Avoid serum prolactin after 6 weeks.
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By medicine
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MRI brain has to be done to know the exact diagnosis.  Further treatment will be accordingly
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Hi,ur prolactin levels are moderately high. U need to be evaluated with MRI brain.
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consult the doc and go for complete evaluation
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dnt worry it's treatable with medicines as long as all dangerous diagnosis are ruled out with tests
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Its surely high .. you need further investigation,  treatment for sure and follow up .. so, consult one gynaecologist.. otherwise you will not get proper treatment ..  at this platform better to ask is it emergency to meet doctor or you can wait. . For this condition you can consult doc online .. according to your symptoms it can be decided what to do next .. if you will not consult to one doctor .. it will be equalent to quake system .. you will not get proper treatment..
Next Steps
plz consult gynaecologist
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Take tab cabergolin0.25 mg twice  a week fo 4 week ,repeat the test if still high go for MRI Brain, get your thyroid profile test also done,opthal examination,
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lactation  also increase serum prolactin,  take the medicine, do all ur test, avoid stress and repeat the test
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First do MRI of skull to rule out pitutory adenoma
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Hi...Are you any medication??? Have you got any MRI or CT scan brain you have any visual disturbance or any other issue. Please send details
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Yes it will be correct with medicine.but better to go for MRI brain to rule out possibility of macroadenoma.
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Conusult gynaecologist/endocrinologist
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Walking up early in the morning and sleeping early really helps
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Yes it can be corrected with medicine, but a basic evaluation with a gynecologist will be helpful to rule out any related issues.
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Yes it can be treated with medicines..please consult ur doctor
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You need to start with cabgolin tablet
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It needs further evaluation with MRI brain
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Prolactin levels more than 100 need mri brain No role of diet Yes cabgoline . 5 mg once a week is used to treat this
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This much prolactin levels are very high.. You need to be investigated. So consult a nearby gynaecologist
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Are you breast feeding? Hypothyroid? On any antidepressants etc...
Next Steps
thyroid test mri brain
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High prolactin cud be seen 1. Breast feeding 2 hypothyroid 3 some medicines especially the ones used in mood disorders 4 do u hv galactorrhea 5 did u exercise before giving the sample,  or did u hv intercourse before the sample. So need more history
Next Steps
according to your history , things cn be discussed.  investigation further cn be planned.
Health Tips
Thyroid evaluation  MRI brain if the above questions mentioned are a NO
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At this high level of prolactin, u definitely need MRI BRAIN and eye specialist opinion. Are you experiencing any visual symptoms... All food items given during lactation time to increase milk secretion like fennel, Fenugreek , oats are to be avoided as they increase prolactin levels
Next Steps
mri BRAIN, perimetry
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there is a solution for every thing
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This level demands further investigations, probably an MRI of brain is indicated. You must meet an Endocrinologist
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First of all I need some more information from you..are u breastfeeding ur baby?are u on any medication for some other ailments? Are u a hypothyroid?there are several causes of hyperprolctinemia most common would be physiological like breastfeeding and others may be coexisting hypothyroidism, use of some drugs like antipsychotics and rarely some pituitary benign tumors.
Next Steps
Pls get thyroid levels checked..if normal and no other causes which I have listed above are absent it can be treated medically..
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It can be treated with medicines but also u need to do MRI brain . To rule out any serious conditions.
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I would suggest an MRI brain to evaluate further
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Yes ... this is high ... can cause difficulty in conceiving... can e treated with medicines
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Prolactin can be a marker of stress or some abnormal growth in ur pituitary gland. If it is elevated because of stress(which will be most likely cause at the levels you got in your report), it can be reduced by medicines. But you do need a further workup before we can have any answers.
Next Steps
MRI brain to rule out pituitary gland abnormality.
Health Tips
A regular stress free lifestyle could help you lower ur prolactin levels if MRI brain is normal.
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You will need MRI BRAIN plz see an endocrinologist and neurologist
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Thank you choosing Practo. Your prolactin levels are moderately high. You need to be evaluated in total and do some further blood tests along with Thyroid to come to a final conclusion. This is not harmful.
Next Steps
you need some further tests and radiological evaluation like MRI
Health Tips
It is a curable condition, so kindly donot worry. Get back with full history and other previous blood results to get a complete evaluation done. Wish you good health. Dr Arif N K
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The value for the prolactin is definitely high for you. It needs an MRI of the brain to be done. You should consult a doctor so that further investigations can be done and medications can be started.
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Once the investigations are done and medications are started this value should normalise in few months time if all your reports are normal
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hi prolactin of 180ng/ml is too high unless you are pregnant or breastfeeding.. we need to see the cause of the raise in prolactin by doing MRI Brain to see if prolactin secreting gland is fine or not. if it comes normal, this can be managed with tablets. nothing to worry.
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Hyperprolactinemia can be treated by medication but should be evaluated thoroughly . A x ray or MRI of paranasal sinuses should be done to rule out micro or macroadenoma.
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Do a X-ray skull cone down view for sella tursica and if normal Take Tablet Cabergolin 0.25 mg twice a week for 6 weeks
Next Steps
Repeat serum Prolactin after 6 weeks if still it is high do a MRI brain for sella tursica for pituitary gland
Health Tips
Destress and take proper treatment of thyroid issues if present
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Yes it can be Please do thyroid profile to Avoid stress will help you
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Hyperptolactinemia can be treated with medicines. But its wise to consult gynaecologist  as u may need further evaluation by MRI brain to rule out tumour .
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Yes of course can be corrected but we need to rule out any macroadenoma in brain by performing a MRI contrast of brain. This levels are higher should be done. May I know that if u have vomiting it any visual disturbances lately
Next Steps
MRI brain Thyroid profile
Health Tips
any prolactin level more than 100 is considered high and MRI is adviced
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Yes it can be treated with medicines. But I would  advice you first do MRI brain to rule out macroprolactioma. Once that is ruled out treatment can be done medically
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Yes it can be treated with medication. If you are having headache, vision problem better to go for MRI brain. Usually if prolactin >250 needs further evaluation with MRI.
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Yes it can be treated with medicines but before that you need to get certain tests done to find out the cause of hyperprolactinemia which include thyroid test and MRI brain for pitutary microadenoma.
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Yes it can be treated with medicines.home remedies and diet changes do not have much of a role.But yes stress can definitely affect prolactin levels.It would also be appropriate to check your thyroid hormone levels.Certain medicines taken for other unrelated problems can also elevate prolactin levels.This hormone also increases during pregnancy and lactation.
Next Steps
so its wise to consult a doctor personally or on practo so that a detailed history is obtained.your doctor will ask you several questions to know any associated problems , any triggering factors and then formulate a plan of treatment for you.
Health Tips
Avoid stress.consult doctor before taking any medications as some of them can affect your prolactin levels.proper follow up is important following treatment to check on the levels of prolactin.
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We need to start medicine
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