I'm feeding 10 months baby. Pre-pregnancy diabetics for 3-4yrs took Metformin 500,but under control.
Tingling,shooting pain in left hand+burning sensation in left forearms+extreme tiredness+blood clotting pain in thighs(at times)+feel of pain inside eye(irritation near nose nerves during eye pain)+right side facial nerve pain at times+feel of heart beat variance+sleep disturbances+Lost weight of 4 Kgs (even less than pre-pregnancy)+low
sugar+ Sweating+ Gastritis
Consulted Gynaec, taking neurokind lc(mor) + neurobeonforte(night) last 15days+ Metformin 250 mg (night) Feelling better but,still one or other symptoms occur everyday...
At home only No outside exposure. Same kind of mild symptoms experienced in past too... Two years back...
Pls suggest medicine. Allergic to Pencilin, Novalgin, tramadol, azythromycin