Not able to sleep , feeling low energy
Female 49 yrs Had h pylori infection in stomach but took medicine for month. Now feeling low in energy and not able to sleep as dry mouth and feeling to drink plenty of water during night. Sometime feeling great some time low energy and inflammation in legs and plam . Sometime inflammation in urine and something white discharge comes with urine thereafter feels good. Please help what it is ? Visited many doctor but nothing improved yet. No throrid , CBC good no problem in blood. Had sonography good nothing comes, kidney ok. Liver function test ok. Vitamin B12 deficiencies test done ok. Still last month I lost 3 kg weight. N have been suffering bad tooth like bad gum.
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Your symptoms may be a frequent result of worn-out adrenal glands. Because their hormones regulate the fueling of cells, and especially those of the brain, under-fueling results in low energy and a worn out feeling, sluggishness, trouble getting up in the morning, fatigue and lethargy. Depression is another effect that may occur to an individual with an under-fueled brain and nervous system. 1. Discard or minimize stress factors as much as possible. 2. Eat properly and limit carbs in your diet . 3. Supplement with magnesium citrate powder and malic acid. By doing so, you will strengthen your blood sugar handling system, avoid or overcome fatigue symptoms and lethargy, reduce your risk for numerous health problems and bring about healthy adrenal glands...consult physician for further help
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