Over active bladder
Need cure... Using medicine from 2 months... Still facing problems. Please help in curing. Present using morning Tyron and night Libras.
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Overactive bladder is usually a collection of symptoms that can lead to frequent urination. These include:urinary urgency, or the sudden urge to urinate, caused by muscle contractions urge incontinence, or loss of bladder control nocturia, or the need to urinate at least two or more times a night. urinary frequency, having to go at least eight times a day There are several causes for an overactive bladder that can include: injuries conditions affecting muscles, nerves, and tissues estrogen deficiency caused by menopause excess body weight that places extra pressure on the bladder. Excessive caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol may also irritate the bladder walls and can worsen frequent urination symptoms.
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