Periods have not come after LMP: 6 April
Hi I have not got my periods since my laat LMP: 6 April 2020. I know i have prolactin level issue as in Januray 2020, i had same problem when on having DUb 5 five days and cabergoline 4 weeks the once in week my periods cycle got back normal to evrymonth. there is a milky discharge on pressing the nipples very hard. I am not pregnant and neither have done any intercourse since an year so thats out of question. Can u please suggest medicine to get periods atleast in the lockdown and then probably i can go for further for treatment
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Do prolactin & thyroid level For period take progesterone 5 mg twice for 5 days
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Tablet Regestrone 5 mg three times a day for 7 days You will get your periods after you stop taking the medication after 7 days Get prolactin levels checked
Next Steps
Drink lots of water and fruits juice
Health Tips
Avoid stress and sleep with light off
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Hi. You can take tab Regesterone 5mg twice a day for 5 days . Chek your Prolactin level .
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