Urinary Bladder is partially distended and shows ill- defined irregular wall thickening involving the posterior & left lateral wall measuring 20.0 mm in maximum thickness. The lesion is closely abutting the prostate with ill-defined fat planes and is seen encasing the left vesico-ureteric junction. Mild left perivesical fat stranding is seen. It is also abutting the left seminal vesical with focal ill-defined fat planes.
Prostrate is mildly enlarged in size (48*45*40mm)
Kidneys- A small relatively well defined lesion with fat signal intensity is noted involving the posterior cortex of right
kidney at mid pole measuring 5.0 mm in diameter. Few thin walled simple cortical cysts are seen in bilateral kidneys, largest exophytic cyst measuring 31.0*30.0 mm in right kidney. Moderate left sided hydroureternephrosis is seen wiyj mild thinninh of left renal parenchyma.
Multiple enlarged & subcentimetric bilateral para-aortic,aorto-caval & left iliac lymph nodes are noted:measuring 24.0*21.0mm