Receding gums...
I have a problem of receding gums at my lower front teeth... It seems to be loosening my tooth if the gum is not strengthened sooner. Please suggest me natural ways of healing this receding gums.
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Receding gums may be due to accumulation of plaque and calculus, incorrect toothbrush technique and in some cases due to tongue tie. Including a picture of the extent of your receding gums would have helped a lot. Nevertheless, you can do for next step.
Next Steps
Rx - Warm saline rinse-add half tsp salt in a glass of water and rinse twice daily for two weeks. -Curenext oral gel (it's an Ayurvedic gel), since you have asked for natural ways.Apply this gel on the affected area and massage it towards your teeth after rinsing. -ICPA thermoseal ultrasoft toothbrush - this is a soft brush which will help you a lot.
Health Tips
As far as brushing technique goes, try brushing your teeth in circular motion instead of horizontal brushing.
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Opg is required for further treatment But for now maintain oral hygiene Gargle with warm salt water for 3-4times a day Rinse ur mouth properly after every meal or whenever u eat something
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Usually a gum disease. A visit to a dentist. Probable suggestion would be An OPG X Ray. Then a treatment plan can be provided.
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Maam Gum problem arise due to poor oral hygeine . You are  very young for this problem . -Need an Xray first to see if any bone loss. - If its fine in Xray with no bone loss or infection   Scaling is needed . - Betadine mouthwas in luke warm wster . - Rinse everytime after a meal or whenever you eat  . Please let me know if any improvement.
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If there is no h/o trauma(which can cause ,  the most probable cause would be food deposition chronically due to improper brushing in few surfaces of the particular teeth, which caused hard  calculi formation. That eventually pushes the gum off the teeth with time gradually,  if it's neglected.
Next Steps
get scaling done as soon as dentist is available. followed by that need to look into proper brushing technique to clean thoroughly all the surfaces of teeth use dental floss regularly tongue cleaning regularly with tongue scraper mouthwash : Betadine mouth gargle, once in every 2 days, after food.  and after holding mouthwash in mouth for 2-4mins. do not rinse your mouth or eat/drink for next half an hour. Luke warm water salt gargle(if blood pressure within normal limits), or no salt to be used, followed by scaling.
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First you should go for the cleaning along with the gum massage then only gums can adapt their previous position .. because due to deposition our gums receeds as the contact between tooth and gum is occupied by deposits.
Next Steps
cleaning along with massage
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If you could have shared a pic that would have been better to get the exact cause....but mainly at young age it can occur due to the deposition of calculus(the yellowish deposits you might see on those teeth).....unless you get those removed by scaling the gums won't heal and will continue to recede and it may also occur due to very harsh brushing
Next Steps
get your scaling done as soon as the pandemic conditions get normal or if you are brushing very harshly...stop doing it and use an extra soft tooth brush and do it in circular motion
Health Tips
till then take calcium rich diets or any calcium supplements to decrease bone resorption...and do warm salt water mouth rinses twice daily
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