Signs of depression?
My relationship with girlfriend is going day by day weaker. Most of the day i am thinking about her especially when i am alone at home in night. I could not able to stay without her thinking and this causes me to inefficient in doing anywork. I want myself strong as her by being not in a state of thinking all the time about her. This thing is happening since two years when she cheated me and we were went for a brakeup. But lateron i could not able to live without her and i gave her one more chance to prove her that she will remain loyal with me. Since then the life is becoming more worst because i am feeling very insecure by thinking that she might leave me again. This thing coming to my mind when i expecting anything from her and she doesnot filfilled that. I hope you will help me out from this problem asap as i want to focus on my work.
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Your question is an answer itself. I will not tell you to be relaxed as I can understand your situation. So 1 write down all benefits and shortcomings in this relationship you will have an clear estimation of where you stand 2 see yourself in mirror and feed yourself with affirmative suggestions at least twice a day 3 believe that what is best for you will be with you and never ever allow anything to take control over you. And most important do not think about breakup Indeed think about entering in to new relationship.
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Signs of recurrent depression
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