Silent always
Dr im Very silent always . I just dont like to talk ...or idk if something has blocked my mind that im not able to talk .. To people Normal I stammer .. I was to be jovial and Happy going with everyone .. how do I improve on this ?
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Hello.... I understand your problem, i think you should know that its pretty normal in some teenagers to have a shy nature... If its depression / disinterest in any normal activities appropriate to the age then its a concern to be dealt with the help of psychiatrist... I suggest you to try to get included into the like minded group of friends whom you think can understand your problems and you can trust.. Try to find some common interest which you people can relate.. Try to avoid getting disheartened by minor setbacks, you should atleast have to develop enough courage to try and with that enough willpower to withstand even if you fail in that course of action.. Good luck...
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