Stiffness in body
Hi I'm a 39 year lactating mother of an eight month old baby.During pregnancy i started experiencing stiffness, my gynae told me stiffness would go away after delivery.but unfortunalely it has stayed.Whenever i stand even after sitting for a short while i walk like an old lady till my muscles warm up.And when i wash clothes,my back also takes a while to straighten up same situation is when i drive.I have hypothroidism for which i take 50mg Eltroxin.My thyroid is controlled.I got my rh factor tested,it came negative.I am quite worried how will i take care of my baby if i continue to be like this .Please help.
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Hi, first of all do not worry. How active were you before and during pregnancy? Core muscles that support are back and spine get weak post delivery and appropriate exercises tremendously helps with this I take pre and post natal therapy and can definitely suggest you core strengthening and ways to bring down the stiffness First of all you need to relax and stop worrying
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