Stomach burning
When to take ULgel A syrup before meal or after meal? And how long we can take this syrup safely for stomach burning?
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U can take it after meal. Depending on ur weight u can take. For1. week
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It should preferably be taken after meals. You should take the syrup for symptomatic relief. It can be taken for long duration but you should focus on limiting its use as far as possible. You should avoid Hot tea/coffee, spicy foods, Alcohol etc which either damage the stomach mucosa or cause more acid release. Also include salads and fruits in your diet. Best wishes!
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Consult now And get your prescription and diet plan at very affordable consultation charges Thanks
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10-15ml after meals. You can take it thrice daily, for 2-3 weeks. Better to do Endoscopy to rule out ulcers and H.Pylori Infection
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If it's cured no need to take it,if reduced take it for next 10days,if not cured or the problem remains the same then do an USG of whole abdomen and endoscopy for further study
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Can help you, kindly consult and provide detailed history for proper diagnosis and further management
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Need few more details Kindly consult
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after food
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Avoid fried food and spicy food Water intake more Green leafy vegetables and fruits Walk Fiber meal
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