Straightening of cervical spine, pain.
I'm 40 yr old male suffering from stiff neck & shoulders and continuous pain since last 20 years. Tried physiotherapy with ultrasonic deep heat and Tens but results have been symptomatic relief as long as the therapy continues. Neck X-ray shows straightening of cervical spine and hump on back is visible. Is there a permanent cure for pain and hump?
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The permanent cure is physiotherapy.vnot modalities like tens and US but pure exercises Hump is due to spine curvature and tight muscles that can be treated by relieving the tightness and strengthening weak muscles through correct posture and right kind of exercises that can be done by yourself at home through a professional guidance. I am sorry that you did not receive the right treatment The hump and tightness, stiffness is all curable but your dedication to exercise is a must
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