The doc told me anxiety and mentl dstrs
High liver enzymes sgpt 150 sgot 55 alkaline phosphate 327 creatinine is boarderline high homoglobin is 15.4 basofills is 0.7 eishnophills is 9 globulin is 5.7 ggt is 90 bp is 155/96 pulse rate is 125 serum ige is 900 fev1 pred% is 71 for pulmonary function test  and now i m telling about my symptoms that is constipation, fatigue, weakness, abdominal pain, chest congestion, runny nose, itchy eyes ,sometimes shortness of breathe it comes severe and i take levolin inhaler feeling very uncomfortable in the sunlight flng exhaustion in sunlight ,headache,fever approx 99-100.5,burning sensation in head and eye and feet ,confusion these all r in sunlight in night flng relax from thee prblms ,and high acidity and vomiting prblms i consult the many doctors but all were told me that i m sufferring from mental illness and anxiety
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