Hi doctor
I have pain in right side of throat and little pain in ear too.
Since few days while I cough I get phelgm white color
Every cough will give phelgm from throat.
When I open mouth and see I will swelling on back of throat only on right side.
What it could be?
Also I'm Taking alpurinol for high
uric acid.
I have lower stomach pain too some times white discharge
Feels back pain
Joint pains and swelling in middle finger
Numbness in feet while waking up
Overall feeling weak
Before diagnosing uric acid I was suffering from white spots on tonsils
Took antibiotics every month and it stopped last month and tonsils are fine now.
Again phelgm and pain started suggest please
Also let me know which doctor to consult
When can I stop uric acid tablets
Why swelling even after taking alpurinol.
Help me plz
I have 2 kids unable to take care of them due to this problems.