Trisomy 21 risk
Hi , My cousin is 14 week pregnant now. She had undergone a NT scan and double marker test on her 13weeks 5 day. In the NT scan, Nasal bone is unknown/not seen. She also undergone double marker test on same day. The result came like positive risk for Trisomy 21. Result details below shown :- Trisomy 21 age risk : 1/1267 Trisomy 21 : 1/215 - Positive Risk Nuchal Transculency : 2.1 mm - 1.02MoM CRL - 76.74mm Free beta hCg 1T : 30.87 IU/L  - 1.02MoM PAPP-A :3427 mIU/L- 0.54 MoM The ultrasound was again done and nasal bone is visualized. Is there any risk for trisomy 21 for the above double marker values?
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Yes dear there is a risk! 1:250 is cut off for high risk Since your is below it, u have a high risk category It's interpretation is like Out of 215 women having similar risks, there is chnaces that only 1 will have down syndrome,rest 214 will be normal! But since u in high risk, please get evaluated by invasive tests (amniocentesis
Next Steps
consult a fetal medicine expert for further evaluation and treatment
Health Tips
get amniocentesis done! avoid stress and anxiiety don't worry everything gonaa be fine and normal
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You can go for confirmation with amniocentesis
Next Steps
Take amniocentesis test as risk is > 1:250 If risk 1:250 to 1:1000 do a NIPT If risk
Health Tips
Continue iron and calcium supplements Mothers Horlicks two spoons with milk two times a day for a month Avoid papaya and pineapple Avoid lifting weights and stress and intercourses Take a boiled egg daily Drink plenty of water and 3 fruits of your choice daily Listen devotional music and wear bangles to promote hearing in your baby Take small frequent meals Sleep for 2 hours in afternoon and for eight hours at bedtime in left lateral position
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