Hi sir / madam , my nephew is staying at US , they gave blood test there ..And it showing TB is positive and it's range is 1.44 , they took x-ray for lungs and result came clear { no issue} ...And they suggested to take antibiotics for 9months { isonaizid } . My doubt is by birth we gave BCG vaccine ..But still it showing that TB is positive , is it possible ...
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Hi there! So this is very common question asked by people going to abroad especially US. Let me try and understand your question: 1. You said blood test, I’m afraid there is no blood test for TB; however what you must be talking about is PPD OR Tuberculin test. But again it is measured in mm, so 1.44 not make any sense. So please can you confirm what blood are they talking about. 2. Yes! We, Indians, are BCG vaccinated at birth, which is giving small amount of TB bacilli so that our body start making antibodies and protect us from developing serious diseases in future. 3. So when you test for PPD, you have to bear in mind that one of the possible inference of the test is “pre-vaccinated”. But many at times these people create issues, despite knowing it. One of my patient once had same issues and I wrote her the letter stating this. She was luckily accepted to travel to US. Please don’t initiate Isoniazid (INH) without confirming that he is a carrier of the disease. INH is liver toxic med. I hope I try to answer your queries; still if you have some doubt ping me back.
Next Steps
Please confirm me the test and the result of the test.
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Do not give meds now
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