Unusual obsessive behaviour
My friend who is 25 years of age has got this weird kind of obsessive behaviour. Initially when we were at school her grades were good and then as we entered college and university her grades also fell down. She is a very bright girl and she actually likes and wants to study but this behaviour is coming in her way. So when she watches something on TV or idolises someone in the family or classmate or friend, then she would be alone in a room and pretend to be the person whom she idolise. And she does know about it and she said she cannot help it. No matter where ever she is, it is compulsory that she has to do it. She even stays up at night to do it. I feel she has an issue and she really needs help. The reason she never mentioned was she was ashamed of it and also I want to know what exactly is it and is there and treatment for it?
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