Dear sir my baby crying while urine passing and motion pass last time as your suggestion just now I done below urine test Pls advice about report its normal or I have to visit my local pediatrician Pls advice
Baby girl was 17 days old
Complete urine examination report
Physical examination:-
Qnantity 15ml
Colour pale yellow
Apparence :- slight turbid
Reaction :- acidic
Specific gravity :- 1.010
Chemical examination :-
Albumin nil
Sugar nil
Blood negative
Urobilinogen negative
Ketones negative
Bile salts negative
Bile pigments negative
Microacopic examination:-
Pus cells 12-15/HPF
Rbc nill
Epithelial cells 1-2/hpf
Casts nill
Crystals nill
Others nill