Urine routine report
Dear sir my baby crying while urine passing and motion pass last time as your suggestion just  now I done below urine test Pls advice about report its normal or I have to visit my local pediatrician Pls advice Baby girl  was 17 days old  Complete urine examination report Physical examination:- Qnantity 15ml Colour pale yellow Apparence :- slight turbid Reaction :- acidic Specific gravity :- 1.010 Chemical examination :- Albumin nil Sugar nil Blood negative Urobilinogen negative Ketones negative Bile salts negative Bile pigments negative Microacopic examination:- Pus cells 12-15/HPF Rbc nill Epithelial cells 1-2/hpf Casts nill Crystals nill Others nill
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1.Do urine culture first before starting any antibiotic. 2. Plan a USG abdo/KUB. (Need to rule out fullness, etc) 3. All these under a supervisions of local pediatrician. It is very unlikely to have a uti at such age. Can u upload antenatal scan.
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UTI requires treatment,, USG of Abdomen should be done,, Syp Cefolac to be started , need to know the weight of your child child for exact dose
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U can consult here by clicking this link. :
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Urine report shows Pus cells 12-15/HPF...this means UTI (Urinary Tract Infection).
Next Steps
please send urine sample for URINE CULTURE, and start Antibiotics ( TAXIM-O) after consulting your Pediatrician. Plan for ULTRASOUND ABDOMEN if Urine Culture is positive
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Urine is showing presence of pus cells. It would mean infection. Kindly get her examined by a pediatrician
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Stool routine examination report Complete urine examination
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