Vaginal scanning
I'm really scared about vaginal scanning I'm 5 weeks 5 days pregnant. Shall I avoid this vaginal scanning ? Till how many weeks they will do vaginal scanning? From which week of pregnancy they will scan from upper stomach ? Kindly help me
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You can see early pregnancy problems in transfusion ultrasound but if it is a good Scan machine even abdominal probe pregnancy
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Nothing to worry it is not painful,it is more accurate do it at 7 weeks,12 week usg will be abdominal only
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Hi there, Don't get scared with vaginal ultrasound. It's totally painless if you relax Nothing to worry about. It is done only once and later on always from abdomen. It is more accurate actually.
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Hi. TVS is more accurate and comfortable . It is done only once around 7 weeks of preg . Next scan at 11 weeks is done from top only .
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Vaginal scan is very helpful and painless if you just relax
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