Vertigo and head spinning
When i was 10 yrs old i had fallen from a height of 3 feet on the rear side of my head. since then there has been constant head spinning sensation. all these years i couldnt figure it out what exactly it is called. finally got to know i am suffering from vertigo. had visited an ENT specialist in Mumbai for which he had given me few tablets and certain visual exercise to be done. after the course the vertigo had completely stopped. but after two years it has started all over again and due to this i cannot concentrate on my studies or other things. my body language becomes unstable which is quite noticeable by others. Please help at the earliest.
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Incidentally I just returned from Mumbai where there was an International Conference on Vertigo! Vertigo is just a symptom where the patient has a subjective experience of imbalance! It could be due to different reasons and this is what requires all the diagnostic skills of the doctor to come to the right diagnosis.
Next Steps
Please meet a good ENT Specialist who is specially equipped to treat Balance disorders in Mumbai. Practo has the best listing. Use patient feedbacks to guide you.
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Vertigo when tilting head back
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