Ur present weight is 42 kgs
Ur body mass index ( BMI) IS 19.Expected 25.
Ur problem
1.Nutritional-Deficienciesof essential vitamins,minerals,proteins,carbohydrates fats.
2.Harmonal-deficiency of growth harmone,hyperactive thyroid etc
3.Apetite-Lack of appetite like anorexia liver problems like hepatitis
4.Indigestion-like dyspepsia etc
5.intestinal malabsorption syndrome like ibs,mas etc
6.Metabolic-Imbalance between anabilism (construction) and catabolism(destruction).
7.Prologed illness-TB ,Diabetes etc
8.Stress-Physical and mental stress
10.Addictions-over Alcohol smoke etc
Diet-Highly nutritious balanced food rich in vitamins minerals carbohydrates fats proteins etc.
All green leafy vegetables cereales sprouts salads meat fruits dry fruits according to body need in calaories need deigestion and Body mass index helpful for growth.
e.g.Red meat for tissue anabolism,milk for increasing bone mineral density.
Exercise -specific exercises will enhance body anabolism and increases tissue anabolism
e.g.Running,cycling,swimming etc.
Nutritional supplement- combination of diatary suppliment Rich in all protein vitamin fats and minerals satisfying body needs.has to be taken under supervision of doctor.
Appetite stimulants-To increase appetite naturally safe like
Hingvastak churna in ayurveda.
Yoga and meditation for Stress.Free life styles and enough rest increase boys weight.
1Veg-.Banana Shake with Milk,Ghee,Sugar candy, cardamom and dates
2.Non Veg-Roasted red Meat with ghee and meat marrow soups.
1.Veg-Asthavarga Chyanprash with banana milk shake and dry fruits and fruit juices .
2.Non veg-Ashelwagandha Rasayan with Meat and bone marrow soup.
U need proper Diet chart ,Disease exercise yoga and lifestyle
Management to gain urweight safely and without any side effects.
I have all these facilities along with me.I have good Ayurvedic treatment safe, no side effects for ur problem. I need Ur detailed histroy investigation and previous treatmemt details to assess ur problem exactly.
U can consult me personally for ur problem on
Nine five three five four two zero seven seven zero.
I wish u happy healthy and prosperous life ahead.
Dr Arun Desai
Next Steps
U can consult me on personally.
Call or what's app on number Nine five three five four two zero seven seven zero.
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A person having weight below the range that is considered normal as per his/her height and age is believed to be underweight. Many persons may be underweight simply because of their genetic makeup. Others may be underweight because of other factors such as eating less or taking a diet insufficient in nutrients. There are a few medical conditions that make a person lose weight and fall in the underweight category. These medical conditions include IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid), tuberculosis, crohn’s disease, and liver problems. A person who is stressed or depressed may also lose weight.
Homeopathic medicines are extremely helpful for persons looking to gain weight. Homeopathy offers a wide range of medicines that can help underweight persons gain weight in a healthy way. The selection of Homeopathic medicines for gaining weight is based on individual case presentation. The medicines help gain weight while at the same time building immunity. In fact, Homeopathic medicines work by correcting the underlying medical condition that has caused the weight loss in the first place, thereby improving the overall health condition of the person concerned.
You can easily take an online consultation for further treatment guidance and permanent cure without any side effects.
Medicines will reach you via courier services
Disclaimer : The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.
Disclaimer : The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.
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