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Dr. Kashish Kalra

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FAQs on Cryotherapy Surgery


Cryotherapies Doctors In Delhi

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 (311 Reviews & Ratings)
Cryotherapy in Delhi

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Cryotherapy?

Cryotherapy is a technique that uses a needle-like applicator which is known as Cryoprobe. Along with this Cryoprobe, liquid nitrogen or argon gas is used to create a cold environment to freeze or destroy the dead tissues. This is also used for destroying the cancer cells. This is used for treating a variety of skin conditions and also the tumors in the kidneys, bones, lungs, liver, breasts, etc.

What are the advantages of Cryotherapy?

The following are the advantages of Cryotherapy:

  1. To treat symptoms such as tissue damage
  2. To increase cell rejuvenation
  3. To improve skin tone
  4. To reduce the signs of aging

What are the indications of Cryotherapy?

Cryotherapy is indicated in the following conditions:

  1. To reduce the inflammation or swelling
  2. To treat burns
  3. To reduce muscle spasm
  4. To reduce pain
  5. To reduce the acute inflammatory reaction
  6. To produce reactive hyperemia
  7. To treat restricted knee flexion
  8. To treat cancer tissues

What is the preparation for Cryotherapy?

The preparation for Cryotherapy may vary according to the type of Cryotherapy:

  1. Before entering into the cryo-chamber, the skin should be dry and clean.
  2. The wet clothes or accessories or gadgets should be removed.
  3. The patient may be asked about their present and past medical history and medication history.
  4. The doctor may ask the patient to undergo different lab tests before the surgery.
  5. The patient will be instructed to stop taking medications like warfarin, aspirin, ibuprofen, or any other blood thinners.
  6. The patient may be asked to stop eating and drinking for 6-12 hours before the surgery.

What are the steps involved in Cryotherapy?

  1. Numbing medicine is used before starting the procedure to avoid pain.
  2. Liquid nitrogen is placed on the skin using a cotton swab or a spray is used.
  3. A scope is used if the internal areas like urethra, rectum, etc. are being treated.
  4. During the procedure, the internal area is treated with liquid nitrogen or applied to the targeted region.
  5. These cells will get destroyed and get slowly absorbed into the body.
  6. Sometimes imaging technique is also used by the doctor such as ultrasound.

What is the postprocedure care/recovery care for Cryotherapy?

The following are the post-care steps to be followed after the Cryotherapy:

  1. For most of the Cryotherapies, the patient can go home on the same day.
  2. If the Cryotherapy was on an internal organ then there is a need for the patient to stay in the hospital for a few days.
  3. There may be pain and discomfort post-surgery.
  4. Follow all the instructions given by your doctor.
  5. Care should be taken for the areas that have been frozen.
  6. Keep the treated areas free from contaminants and change the bandages regularly.
  7. There should be follow-up visits to your doctor once in a while to monitor your condition.

Who can perform Cryotherapy [Right specialist for Cryotherapy]?

A certified and skilled Dermatologist who is well experienced in Cryotherapy can perform this procedure.

What is the cost of Cryotherapy?

The following are the factors which determine the cost of Cryotherapy:

  1. Type of hospital chosen by the patient
  2. Doctor's fee
  3. Admission room opted by the patient
  4. Type of Cryotherapy performed

Minimum price in Delhi starts from Rs.4200

Average expenses in Delhi is approximately Rs.6300

Maximum cost in Delhi rises up to Rs.10,500

Is Cryotherapy a major surgery or minor surgery?

Cryotherapy is a minor procedure which does not involve any surgical procedure.

What is the ineligibility criteria for Cryotherapy?
The ineligibility criteria for Cryotherapy are as follows:

  1. Raynaud's disease
  2. Rheumatoid arthritis
  3. Hypertension caused by secondary vasoconstriction
  4. Cold allergy
  5. Paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria
  6. History of vascular impairment
  7. Local limb ischemia

What are the risks and complications associated with Cryotherapy?

The following are the risks involved in Cryotherapy:

  1. Pain
  2. Infection
  3. Loss of sensation if the nerves are damaged
  4. Blisters
  5. Sexual dysfunction
  6. Ulcers
  7. Scarring 
  8. Damage to the surrounding healthy tissues
  9. White skin  at the site of the procedure

How long does it take to complete Cryotherapy?

A single Cryotherapy session may take around 2-3 minutes.

What is the recovery time?

The recovery time for Cryotherapy depends on where the Cryotherapy is performed. Approximately it may take 7 to 14 days. It may take less or little longer depending on the patient's condition.

Is Cryotherapy safe?

Cryotherapy is considered safe as it involves Nitrogen gas which is non-toxic natural gas.

Is Cryotherapy painful?

Every procedure comes with a certain level of pain and discomfort. There may be some pain experienced by the patient during Cryotherapy.

Can Cryotherapy be detected in the future?

Cryotherapy cannot be detected in the future as it only involves small incisions that can be healed quickly. 

What are the options if Cryotherapy fails?

If the Cryotherapy fails then the doctor may suggest a revision of the surgery.

What are the alternatives for Cryotherapy?

The alternatives for Cryotherapy are as follows:

  1. Ice baths
  2. Ice packs
  3. Cold therapy machines
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