Medical Registration Verified
Dr. Ahmed Elfakharany is a Pediatrician in Umm Suqueim 3, Dubai and has an experience of 11 years in this field. Dr. Ahmed Elfakharany practices at Gargash Hospital L L C in Umm Suqueim 3, Dubai.
Mon - Sun
09:00 - 08:00
Q: Where does Dr. Ahmed Elfakharany practice?
A: Dr. Ahmed Elfakharany practices at Gargash Hospital L L C - Umm Suqueim 3.
Q: What does Dr. Ahmed Elfakharany specialises in ?
A: Dr. Ahmed Elfakharany specialises as Pediatrician.
Q: How many years of experience does Dr. Ahmed Elfakharany have?
A: Dr. Ahmed Elfakharany has an overall experience of 11 years. View where has Dr. Ahmed Elfakharany practiced in the past.
Q: Who is Dr. Ahmed Elfakharany?
A: Dr. Ahmed Elfakharany is a Pediatrician in Umm Suqueim 3, Dubai and has an experience of 11 years in this field. Dr. Ahmed Elfakharany practices at Gargash Hospital L L C in Umm Suqueim 3, Dubai.. View more details about the doctor on Practo.