P No-130, Sector-04, Vaishali, Ghaziabad, Landmark: Near Ramprastha Green, Ghaziabad
Get DirectionsParas Health is a renowned healthcare network in India, celebrated for 18 years of excellence in delivering compassionate, high-quality medical care. With over 1.3 million patients treated across multiple states, Paras Health stands as a trusted name in healthcare, known for its commitment to innovation, advanced technology, and a broad spectrum of specialties.Each hospital in the Paras Health network features state-of-the-art infrastructure, offering comprehensive outpatient (OPD) and inpatient (IPD) services. Led by a team of highly skilled and compassionate doctors, Paras Health ensures personalized treatment in a patient-centric environment, excelling in both preventive and specialized care.Recognized for its dedication to advancing healthcare, Paras Health has received numerous awards, reflecting its commitment to quality, innovation, and patient satisfaction. From advanced diagnostics to expert-led treatments, Paras Health continues to set benchmarks in medical excellence.This hospital has diagnostic center.
Visited Dr. Preethi Govindan (Consultant Physician) For Typhoid fever
Hoped for better: Doctor friendliness
******* ** ** ** ************* ** *** **** ** ******** ****** **** ******* ****** ** *** ****** ** ** ****** ** *** ******** ****** **** ****** **** ** ** **** ****** ** * ** ****** ** ***** *** ******** *** ******* ** *********** *********** *** *** ****** ******** * *** **** * ****** *** ****** ******* ** ** **** ***** ** ************** ***** **** *** ** *** ****** ** *** ****** **** ***** *** ********* ***** *** *** ******* ** ******** ** ** ******My mom went to paras hospital to show my reports *** ** ******* **** ****** *** ***** ***** ******** ****** ** *** ******** ** ** **** *
She didn’t even respect her coworkers *** **** ** ** ****** ** **** ** **** ** ************** ****** **** * *** ******* ***** *** ** ********* **** **** ****** **** *** ******* ******* ** ** ****
Secondly Maam to what you said, I am very well aware that you are not from hospitality , but talking politely by making right choice of words is what makes you a good human being and repeatedly after having disappointing experiences with you , it was high time to speak up to make other people aware who will be coming to you with expectations.
Unfortunately i had to change my decision of visiting paras hospital and switch to another hospital of the area but if it helps someone i would be glad enough.
This is not your 1st negative review though, but the fact you remember even when I posted the comment after a week shows you do remember your kind behaviour .The fact that my mother didn’t even say a word in hospital after such inappropriate behaviour of yours is the reason I came here to help people make right choice. ** *** *** *** **** ******** **** ***** ******** ** **** *** * ***** ******** ***** ** **** ******* ****** ******* **** ******* **
Visited Dr. Preethi Govindan (Consultant Physician) For Typhoid
Hoped for better: Doctor friendliness
I went for my daughter’s treatment. She was admitted in the hospital and Dr. Preethi was appointed. She shouted at me multiple times whenever I tried to tell my daughter’s problem. I said that her stomachache is not going away *** *** ********** ** **** ***** **** ********** *********** ****** **** *** ***** *** ***** ****** She said if you were admitted for fever but now you are telling me stomachache. We as a patient are supposed to share our issues. If her stomachache is not going away, obviously I would share that with the doctor. I am 53 years old and she’s the first doctor I have come across who talks in such a demeaning way. ** ***** **** ***** ******* *** *********** *** **** ********* ** *** It mentally affects the patient as well as my daughter was so hesitant in sharing her problems further. I would really not recommend her as a patient needs a doctor who can help them mentally also as when a person is ill, the stress also affects adversely *** **** ****** **** ********** ******** **** *******
Visited Dr. Vineet Gupta (ENT/ Otorhinolaryngologist)
I visited Dr. Vineet Gupta for my Son's ear trouble to which he prescribed medicine ** *** *** *** ******** without listening to my son's issues. Th medicines of course did not work ***** **** **** *** ***** ** *** ******* ********** And my son had to go through sleepless and painful nights
Today, after taking medicine for 4 days, we planned to visit another ENT Dr. who treated him *** ***** *** ** ******* ****** *** ** *** *** ***** * ** **** ************* *** ******* * ***** *** **** *** ***** ******* ** ****** ** ** ******* **** ** **** ******* **** ******* ******* *** ******* ****** **** *********** ********** **** ** ** **** *** *** ******* ** ** * ******** *** ****** **** *** **** ** * **** *** ** * ***** ***** ** *** **** ***** ******** **** ******* *** *** ********* ** **** ******** **** ** *** **** ***** *****
Visited Dr. Deepak Jain (General Surgeon)
**** **** *** *** the best thing about him is that he listens to the patient very carefully and discusses the details about illness and provides the complete knowledge till the recovery. Good Dr.
Brief History:
Paras Hospitals are one of the top hospitals in India. Established in 2006 in Gurugram, the managing team of the hospital has worked hard to make it a renowned name over the past decade. With the ideology and efforts of Dr. Dharminder Nagar, the Managing Director, and his team of accomplished and experienced people, the Paras Hospitals aim at providing quality healthcare services at affordable prices to all its patients. They work for the people, giving them the best services to let them have a healthy and happy life. They aim at providing the best possible healthcare service, be it preventive or diagnostic.
Paras Hospital works on Mondays all the way till Saturdays from 09:00 AM – 07:00 PM and offer all prime and important medical aid to the patients of the hospital. They have services from consultation to treatment facilities all through the week to offer to the patients.
Paras Hospitals offer a wide range of services to its patients. Scheduled appointments can be rescheduled without extra fees. They give on-call ambulance pick-up and drop services to patients. Paras Hospitals also have many schemes for the international patients. They are given free AC car services to get them from the airports. They can also consult the doctor online in order to save the cost of coming to the hospital every now and then. Overall, Paras Hospitals provide healthcare services to people in an affordable and efficient manner.
The Paras Hospital has earned many awards over the decade for its excellent service and compassionate staff. Some of them are as follows:
Best Healthcare Campaign for Breastfeeding rooms in public places, 2015
Dr. (Prof.) V.S. Mehta got the “Lifetime Achievement Award” by Medgate Today, 2016
Best Hospital for Neurosurgery and Neurology in Delhi NCR, 2017
Best Hospital for Neurosurgery and Neurology for international patients in FICCI Medical Value Travel Event, 2017
Most trusted hospital for Orthopedics Care by Reader’s Digest
With the wonderful service and thoughtful approach to diagnostics and care, the hospital will continue to achieve more, in the coming years.
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