Dr. Tanvi Verma

BDS, MDS - Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics


7 years experience overall

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About Dr. Tanvi Verma

Dr. Tanvi Sharma has 5 years of clinical experience in which she has dread more


Invisible Orthodontics
Orthodontic Treatment
Common Questions
Q :
Why do patients visit Dr. Tanvi Verma?
A :
Patients frequently visit Dr. Tanvi Verma for Invisible Orthodontics, Orthodontic Treatment. To see more reasons visit the doctor's profile on Practo.
Q :
What is Dr. Tanvi Verma's education qualification?
A :
Dr. Tanvi Verma has the following qualifications - BDS, MDS - Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics.
Q :
What does Dr. Tanvi Verma specialises in ?
A :
Dr. Tanvi Verma specialises as Orthodontist.
Q :
How many years of experience does Dr. Tanvi Verma have?
A :
Dr. Tanvi Verma has an overall experience of 7 years. View where has Dr. Tanvi Verma practiced in the past.
Q :
Who is Dr. Tanvi Verma?
A :
Dr. Tanvi Sharma has 5 years of clinical experience in which she has delivered 300+ successful orthodontic treatments. She is actively involved in learning & practicing newer techniques and for effective treatment strategies. Specialty - Orthodontist. View more details about the doctor on Practo.

Other Information




BDS - Krishna Dental College, 2013
MDS - Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics - ITS – Centre For Dental Studies & Research, 2016


2022 - 2022 Orthodontist at DR. Tanvi Sharma


A-10994 Delhi State Dental Council, 2013