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Kidney Stone Treatment
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18 Kidney Stone Treatment Doctors in Gurgaon

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Dr. Mohit Khirbat

32 years experience overall
1600 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Mandeep Kumar Dhanda

21 years experience overall
1200 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Chandrakant Kar

27 years experience overall
1200 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Rajiv Goel

27 years experience overall
1300 Consultation fee at clinic

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Dr. S.V. Kotwal

48 years experience overall
1530 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Shashidhar Shree Niwas

23 years experience overall
1500 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Vikram Barua Kaushik

31 years experience overall
1200 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Vikram Sharma

38 years experience overall
FAQs on Kidney Stone Treatment Surgery

Dr. Indernath Verma

26 years experience overall
600 Consultation fee at clinic

Kidney Stone Treatment

Kidney Stone Treatments Doctors In Gurgaon

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Kidney Stone Treatment in Gurgaon

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Kidney Stone Treatment?

The process of breaking and removing the kidney stones is called kidney stone treatment and is recommended when the stones are too big or unable to be dissolved by using only medicines.

What are the uses of Kidney Stone Treatment?

The uses of Kidney Stone Treatment are to break large or irregular shaped kidney stones and to improve the kidney function and decrease the complications and recovery time

In what conditions Kidney Stone Treatment is indicated?

Indications of Kidney Stone Treatment is indicated in conditions like Acute or chronic kidney pain due to kidney or ureteral stones, Kidney function, Nephrolithiasis, etc.

How a patient should prepare for Kidney Stone Treatment?

  1. One should discuss all the risks, complications, and benefits of Kidney Stone Treatment with the doctor.
  2. Inform the doctor about the past and present medications and medical history.
  3. The patient should undergo a few lab tests suggested by the doctor, the doctor may evaluate and check the patient's health condition.

What can be done after Kidney Stone Treatment?

  1. The patient will be advised to drink plenty of water.
  2. Avoid foods or drinks which may cause kidney stones to form.
  3. Take all the prescribed medications as suggested by the doctor.

Who can be the right specialist to perform Kidney Stone Treatment?

Kidney Stone Treatment can be performed by Nephrologist or a well-experienced Urologist.

What is the price of Kidney Stone Treatment in Gurgaon?

Price of Kidney Stone Treatment in Gurgaon may vary due to the following factors:

  1. Age of the patient
  2. Any other lab tests or examination tests such as X-ray, ECG, etc
  3. Type of hospital
  4. Doctor fee
  5. The medical condition of the patient
  6. Type of procedure performed
  7. Post-surgical complications that are involved
  8. The admission room that you opted for
  9. Admission fee

The minimum amount to be paid in Gurgaon starts from Rs.17,500.

The average expenses in Gurgaon are approximately Rs.21,305.

The maximum charges in Gurgaon rise up to Rs.27,320.

Who are eligible to undergo Kidney Stone Treatment?

Eligible candidates for Kidney Stone Treatment are:

  1. Large or irregular shaped kidney stones
  2. Unable to dissolve kidney stones by using medicines
  3. Acute obstruction in kidneys or urinary system

Who are ineligible to undergo Kidney Stone Treatment?

Ineligible candidates for Kidney Stone Treatment are:

  1. Poor medical condition
  2. Medically manageable kidney stones
  3. Small stones which can pass through urine easily

What can be the complications and risks associated with Kidney Stone Treatment?

Complications and risks associated with Kidney Stone Treatment are:

  1. Presence of blood or clots while passing urine
  2. Internal bleeding or incomplete removal of the kidney stones
  3. Decreased urine output or unable to pass urine due to blocked ureters

How long does Kidney Stone Treatment take to complete?

Kidney Stone Treatment may take about 30 minutes to 2 hours to complete.

How much time does a patient take to recover from Kidney Stone Treatment?
The patient would take 2-5 days to recover from kidney stone treatment.

What is the success rate of Kidney Stone Treatment?

The success rate of Kidney Stone Treatment is determined by factors such as:

  1. Type of surgery or procedure performed
  2. The medical condition of the patient
  3. Experience of the surgeon
  4. Patient age

However, the success rate of Kidney Stone Treatment maybe 85-90%

Does Kidney Stone Treatment cause pain?

The individual may not experience any pain during the procedure; however, the doctor may prescribe the necessary medicines for the pain or discomfort which may be present after the procedure.

What can be the long-term effects of Kidney Stone Treatment?

Improved kidney function, relief from pain and discomfort in the abdominal region, improved blood pressures, are some of the few long term effects of kidney stone treatment.

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