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10 Dialysis Doctors in Gurgaon

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Dr. Mohit Khirbat

31 years experience overall
1200 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Vishal Dutt Gour

22 years experience overall
1500 Consultation fee at clinic

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Dr. Shashidhar Shree Niwas

22 years experience overall
1500 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Manju Aggarwal

41 years experience overall
1530 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Amit Kumar Mahapatra

19 years experience overall
1200 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Narmada Prasad Gupta

General Surgeon
50 years experience overall
1500 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Prasun Ghosh

General Surgeon
30 years experience overall
1200 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Shyam Bihari Bansal

28 years experience overall
1200 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Rakesh Khera

General Surgeon
30 years experience overall
1200 Consultation fee at clinic
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Dr. Sidharth Kumar Sethi

21 years experience overall
900 Consultation fee at clinic


Dialysis Doctors In Gurgaon

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 (151 Reviews & Ratings)
Dialysis in Gurgaon

Frequently Asked Questions 

What is Dialysis?

Dialysis is used to mechanically filter the blood without the help of kidneys during conditions like kidney impairment, chronic or acute kidney failure. There are two types of Dialysis:

Hemodialysis: In this process, hemodialyzer is used to eliminate the waste products from the blood by circulating the blood outside the body.

Peritoneal Dialysis: In this process, the blood is filtered with the help of the peritoneal catheter and a solution called dialysate. Peritoneal Dialysis is of two types:

  • Automated Peritoneal Dialysis- A machine called cycler is used which will fill and empty the stomach with the dialysate for 3 to 5 times at night and you can begin your day with fresh dialysate in your stomach in Automated peritoneal dialysis 
  • Continuous ambulatory peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD)- The dialysate is left the whole night in the stomach In Continuous ambulatory peritoneal Dialysis.

What are the uses of Dialysis?

Following are the uses of Dialysis:

  1. Improved overall health condition and quality of life due to reduced complications of kidney disease or kidney failure.
  2. Reduced signs and symptoms of kidney failure like uremia, swelling, nausea, vomiting, or fatigue.

In what conditions Dialysis is indicated?

Dialysis is indicated in a few conditions like:

  1. Acidosis
  2. Kidney dysfunction or kidney failure
  3. Intractable hyperkalemia
  4. Therapy-resistant fluid overload
  5. Chronic kidney disease
  6. Uremia

How a patient should prepare for Dialysis?

  1. Should discuss all the risks, complications, and benefits of Dialysis with the doctor.
  2. Inform the doctor about the past and present medications and medical history.
  3. The surgeon will create vascular access if you are undergoing hemodialysis for the first time.
  4. The patient should undergo a few lab tests suggested by the doctor.
  5. Health condition of the patient may be evaluated before undergoing this procedure.
  6. The access will help in removing a small amount of blood from the circulation safely and sent back to test how hemodialysis might work.
  7. You may need to prepare for several weeks before undergoing this procedure.
  8. The access site must be taken care to avoid infections and other complications.

How Dialysis is performed?

Dialysis is performed by the following steps:

Method-1: Hemodialysis

Hemodialysis is performed by the following steps:

  1. It is a painless procedure and the doctor may recommend the person to sit back and relax or take a nap during the process.
  2. Your doctor will obtain vascular access before the procedure by making an incision before starting the procedure. Hemodialysis will be started once this incision is healed.
  3. Needles will be inserted into each arm of an individual which are attached to a flexible plastic tube connected to a dialyzer (a machine which filters blood). The filtered blood is sent back into your body.

Method-2: Peritoneal Dialysis

  1. An abdominal catheter will be placed 10 to 14 days before the procedure which will help to filter your blood through a membrane in your abdomen called peritoneum.
  2. The dialysate fluid is added into your abdomen through the catheter and the catheter is closed with the help of a cap and left for 4 to 6 six hours in the body. The period is called dwell time. You can perform everyday activities during the dwell time.
  3. The dialysate will absorb waste products and excess fluid from the body during this period. The fluid is then drained into an empty bag and is discarded. 
  4. Fresh dialysate is added through the catheter and the procedure is repeated. The process is called exchange.

What can be done after Dialysis?

The doctor will suggest a few steps for the recovery from Dialysis and they are:

  1. Limit your physical activities and talk to your doctor before participating in sports, etc.
  2. Dietary restrictions like limiting sodium, phosphorus, etc. must be followed as suggested by the doctor/dietician.
  3. A protein-rich diet is advised to people undergoing peritoneal dialysis.
  4. Take all the medicines prescribed by your doctor. 
  5. Do not stop or take any medications without consulting your doctor.

Who can perform Dialysis?

Dialysis can be performed by a certified and trained Nephrologist.

How much does Dialysis cost in Gurgaon?

Price of Dialysis in Gurgaon may vary due to the following factors:

  1. Age of the patient 
  2. Lab tests
  3. Doctor fee 
  4. Medical condition of the patient
  5. Hospital charges
  6. Type of Dialysis procedure
  7. Type of hospital

Minimum amount to be paid in Gurgaon starts from Rs.750

Average expenses in Gurgaon is approximately Rs.2,356

Maximum charges in Gurgaon rises up to Rs.5,000

Who are eligible to undergo Dialysis?

Eligible candidates for Dialysis are:

  1. To achieve a better quality of life 
  2. Reducing the complications of kidney disease or kidney failure
  3. To lower the risk of death
  4. Patients with end-stage kidney disease 
  5. Acute and chronic Kidney Failure

Who are ineligible to undergo Dialysis?

Ineligible candidates for Dialysis are:

  1. Surgical scars or recent surgeries on the abdomen. 
  2. Conditions like hernia (Inguinal hernia), Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), etc.
  3. Critical or life-threatening illness
  4. Protein malnutrition

What can be the complications and risks associated with Dialysis?

Complications and risks associated with Dialysis are:

  1. Fluid overload
  2. Muscle cramps
  3. Low blood pressure
  4. Itching
  5. Trouble sleeping or sleep apnea
  6. Anemia
  7. Bone diseases
  8. Conditions like pericarditis, hyperkalemia, etc
  9. Amyloidosis or abnormally high protein levels

How long does Dialysis take to complete?

Dialysis process depends on factors like:

  1. Kidney function
  2. Bodyweight and the amount of fluid gained between Dialysis sessions.
  3. Amount of waste present in the body

Dialysis may take almost 3 to 4 hours to complete and might be performed 3 times a week depending on the patient condition.

Does Dialysis cause pain?

Generally, Dialysis is a painless procedure. 

Is Dialysis a permanent procedure?

Individuals diagnosed with kidney failure may need Dialysis for the rest of the lives unless or until the kidney function improves or a kidney transplant is performed. 

What are other options for Dialysis?

Other options for Dialysis are the following:

  1. Kidney transplant 
  2. Medical treatments to improve or preserve the kidney function
  3. Erythropoietin injections every week to prevent anemia which can play a major role in kidney failure. The normally functioning kidneys produce erythropoietin which helps in the formation of red blood cells.
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