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Dr. B. Patgiri

Dr. B. Patgiri Dentist in Guwahati

Dr. B. Patgiri

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41 Years Experience Overall

Medical Registration Verified

Dr. B. Patgiri is a Dentist in Guwahati, Guwahati and has an experience of 41 years in this field. more..

Guwahati, Guwahati

Mordern Maxillo Facial & Dental Surgery Clinic

Guwahati commerce college, Rajgadh Link road no 1, Chandmari., Guwahati

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Mon - Sat

08:30 AM - 03:00 PM
05:30 PM - 08:30 PM

This fee is indicative and might vary.
NOTE: Fees is payable at clinic. There are NO charges for booking an appointment.

Common questions & answers

Q: Where does Dr. B. Patgiri practice?

A: Dr. B. Patgiri practices at Mordern Maxillo Facial & Dental Surgery Clinic - Guwahati.

Q: What is Dr. B. Patgiri's education qualification?

A: Dr. B. Patgiri has the following qualifications - BDS.

Q: What does Dr. B. Patgiri specialises in ?

A: Dr. B. Patgiri specialises as Dentist.

Q: How many years of experience does Dr. B. Patgiri have?

A: Dr. B. Patgiri has an overall experience of 41 years. View where has Dr. B. Patgiri practiced in the past.

Q: Who is Dr. B. Patgiri?

A: Dr. B. Patgiri is a Dentist in Guwahati, Guwahati and has an experience of 41 years in this field. Dr. B. Patgiri practices at Mordern Maxillo Facial & Dental Surgery Clinic in Guwahati, Guwahati. He completed BDS from Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad in 1983.. View more details about the doctor on Practo.



BDS - Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad, 1983


Practo doesn't have degree proofs to verify this education.


151 Assam State Dental Council, 1983

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₹ 400 fee
Mordern Maxillo Facial & Dental Surgery Clinic