Breath Malodour is a considerable social problem, as it  a taboo and those affected are stigmatized.  There are many causes of Bad Breath 90% of which are due to POOR ORAL HYGIENE.  Ineffective oral hygiene measures can lead to variety of oral diseases and bad breath can be a manifestation for the same.

Let us look the Oral Causes which can contribute to Bad Breath:

  1. A deep Cavity with food impaction / purulent discharge from a dental infection

Plaque and tartar deposits on tooth


Dry mouth can be due to certain medication that the patient is taking on a regular basis or any salivary gland pathology


Tongue coating can harbor bacteria which can lead to bad breath.

Apart from the above mentioned causes other causes include Chronic Sinusitis, Bronchitis, Respiratory Disease,Nasal obstruction,  Gastrointestinal disorders etc.

Treatment of Bad breath depends on the underlying cause.  Visit your dentist for a proper diagnosis and treatment accordingly.

Thank you!