After a long lockdown period of 3 weeks, we all will be eagerly waiting for the sunset of 14th April. Hoping to restart our routine after hitting the reset button. But, are we ready to resume our normal life and start living as normally before the coronavirus pandemic caught us off guard.
At least let's try not to be as irresponsible as some of us were on the day we were supposed to clap, blow a conch shell, ring a bell or beat a thali.
Should we resume our routine full throttle or is there still danger lurking out there?
I feel that the resumption of normal life after 14th April should be in a staged manner. Instead of free movements, the government can plan to start with freeing the lockdown at the district level and eventually regional and state levels. A mass movement freely will only increase the exposure and morbidity and mortality ratios. Though there is the hope of acquiring herd immunity, it takes time and time is what we don’t have.
Let’s not forget that apart from the virus we also have many unattended issues. While we are sitting home and worrying about boredom and which web series or movie to watch next, there are people who have not eaten since several days due to lack of resources or money, people who are stranded or are walking several hundred kilometers to reach their home, people who are ill but don’t have money or relatives to take them to the hospital. These are the people, especially the daily wage workers, who have suffered the most and need to be supported and reinstated in their livelihood. There will be people who have to pay the rents of their house or the rent of the auto-rickshaw or taxi they drive. There will be patients who need to bear their medical expenses. And all this apart from the daily gruesome trouble of earning the meals for their families. It will at least take years if not the decade to rehabilitate them.
So, what should we do?
Well for starters, we should continue the social distancing manners which we learned along with the personal hygiene mantras.
1.No Handshakes
2.Hand washing
3.Washing of food and food products like Milk packets, Oil packets, etc. after bringing them home.
4. Cleaning your mobile and keys with spirit or alcohol every day.
5.Taking off footwear outside the door.
6.Taking a bath preferably or at least washing hands and feet after coming back home.
7. Being empathetic to those not as lucky as us in any way possible by giving them jobs or teaching their children or getting them medical care, whatever way you think will help.
8. Stop throwing garbage on the road or street. Just see without humans nature has reduced so much pollution on its own. It’s time to help nature for our own good.
It’s time to Human Again.