•To provide our patients with PRP for Hair Loss Treatments are SAFE, PROVEN and EFFECTIVE.
• All treatments are performed by qualified, registered and trained medical staff and registered nurse
•100% Result Guarantee is provided to every patient for His/Her Hair Loss Problem.
Our Accomplishments:
• Nashik 1st - Hair Loss Clinic to safely complete 500 + PRP for Hair Loss Treatments
•99.2% of patients surveyed noticed improvements to their hair within 10 weeks of starting PRP for Hair Loss .
•150+ Doctors, Surgeons & Medical/Health Professionals personally trust Dr Singh's Clinic Nashik to treat their own hair loss.
•100 + written testimonials
What is PRP + How is it made?
PRP is the abbreviation of a medical procedure known as Platelet Rich Plasma. PRP Platelet Rich Plasma is sourced from your blood supply. Within your blood you have:
• RED BLOOD CELLS(carry oxygen)
• WHITE BLOOD CELLS(fights diseases and infection)
• PLATELETS(repairs damage and injuries)
• PLASMA(contains water and nutrients)
How does PRP for Hair Loss work?
PRP for Hair Loss is a powerful and natural hair loss treatment that does not require daily pills or chemical lotions or foams. By creating a controlled injury on the scalp (skin) during a PRP for Hair Loss Treatment, this will signal the body to sendPLATELETSandPLASMAto the area, to repair the injured cells. Adding additional PRP increases the amount of repairing cells (platelets) and nutrients (plasma) in the hair loss region. This exposes the skin cells and the hair follicles to large amounts of healing platelets and nutrient rich plasma.
About DHT + Hair Loss
The most common form of hair loss to impact men & women is known as Androgenetic Alopecia. It is a condition that isINHERITEDfrom your parents when you are born. The hair loss gene can be passed on by either your mother or father. A person may be carrying the gene but not experience hair loss as well. The hair loss gene causes hair follicles to become weak when they come in contact with a hormone known as DHT. Only hair follicles through the frontal hair line, midscalp and crown area’s of the scalp are damaged by DHT.
DHT stands for Di Hydro Testosterone. It is formed when Testosterone bonds with an enzyme and creates DHT. The enzyme is called 5 alfa reductase (5ar). An increase in testosterone levels can lead to an increase in DHT because the enzyme is freely available in our body. Only people who have inherited the hair loss gene experience hair loss caused by DHT.
How does DHT cause Hair Loss?
DHT injures and damages your hair follicles slowly over time. This causes your hair follicles to become smaller and weaker which results in the hair follicles receiving less blood supply.
Because DHT injures your hair follicles slowly over time, your body does not recognise there is an injury and does not attempt to heal the injured hair follicles. As DHT continues to damage + injure your hair follicles your hair will start to appear thinner, weaker, finer and flatter, this can result in the hair follicle dying causing permanent hair loss.