Finding just the perfect recipe to make your marriage work is very hard to find. There are three ways to make your marriage work, the first is to understand your current situation, the second is to realize what you lack and what do you expect out of your marriage and the third point is actually moving towards your desired goal. When we sit and decide these goals it should be mutually decided, as there should be no confusion regarding the aspects that help the couple to lead a happy marital life.
Consider marriage to be a dish, in order to ensure that it turns to be well it requires proper ingredients. If the recipe lacks even one element the whole dish can get faulty.
Just like how a pinch of salt can add to the taste, these little ingredients can enhance the married life:
Every relationship works on trust. Imagine a relationship where we are trapped in the feelings of insecurity and not knowing how to manage such feelings. It is essential to have faith when there is no faith in the relationship; it gets in a shaky position where the foundation goes weak and the chances of the marriage falling apart increase manifold. Any happy relationship is all about the level of trust that we invest in each other. High level of trust is essential to make the marriage work and to enjoy life together.
Intimacy is not just about the sexual relationship but the level at which you connect with one another. Intimacy is a broader concept and encompasses various aspects. Intimacy can be seen even in having dinner together. The only important point is to ensure that you are at the same level of the continuum.
The sexual relationship is important for various reasons as it is all about intimacy, pleasure and sexual expression. It tends to have positive effects on the relationship and enables a better connection. The absence of sex can lead to a feeling of frustration and emptiness. Healthy sex life is one of the most basic factors that the couple’s point about successful marriage.
Another problem stems taking into account the financial problem. Many times the couple is not able to meet the expenditure, as a result, they start to quarrel over small petty issues. A happy marriage requires you to have a clear understanding of how they are going to manage their finances. Money in today’s time defines our happiness level, the needs and demands have really increased and so has our expectation, we need money to fulfil all our desire and to ensure that we lead a stable life. As a couple, you should learn how to strike a balance between your needs and wants.
The best way to lead a happy life is to ensure that you get married to your best friend or end up being best of friends. In the end, we need somebody with whom we can share our day to day problems. Another way is to have a social circle, it essential to make time and go out with friends. Thus, it is essential to have a strong friendly relationship and spend quality time together.
As an individual, we go through a series of feelings and emotions. Couples who are in a happy marriage are the ones, who know not only what to communicate but also how to put across their viewpoints. Sharing minute details about their day and putting across whatever goes in your mind is very essential. Not just sharing the good points but also what are your fears also holds your marriage together. Openness is an important aspect to make the marriage work. If you hide things and refrain from sharing your feelings then soon anger will build up. This pent-up anger can further aggravate the problems.
In life, we need people who understand us and let us showcase our true self. Be it friends or relationship, to be happy with someone requires a level of understanding. When someone knows us in and out and knows our flaws, the person is more likely to accept who we are as an individual and provides us with a sense of comfort and security.
No marriage is perfect and no marriage is ever conflict-free. Never make each other feel trapped in a relationship. Give space to each other to achieve not only goals together but also to focus on individual goals which help to increase self-esteem and focus on self-growth. In situations where things get little heated up taking space can help things to calm down.
Mutual Respect is very essential in every marriage, many problems arise when we start taking each other for granted and do not accept the difference of opinion in a positive way. Mutual Respect is regarding the boundaries, needs and wishes of the partner. It is very important to pay attention and appreciate the distinctive personality of your partner.
Acceptance is considered to be a part of respect. Many times we try to mould the person according to our expectations which can create few problems. Don’t just focus on the negatives and try and focus on the positive aspects. Nobody is perfect; we just need to accept each other for as they are. As every individual has few strengths and weakness working together can lead to greater insights.
It is essential to remember that in order to build a strong and stable marriage requires hard work and perseverance. Focus on the small happy moments that you build together and let these moments define who you are as a couple.
Accept that relationships are dynamic and learn how to manage these changes over time. Following these tips can help you to strengthen your relationship. In case a couple finds it difficult to reach any of these ingredients then it is best advised to seek help from a professional marriage expert or relationship counsellor. A marriage counsellor can help you understand ways to make your marriage happy.