Weight loss is a simple combination of healthy eating and regular exercising. Most women find it easier to diet than exercise simply because controlling what you eat is more convenient than actually taking time out to exercise. Some people see results easily with watching what you eat but most have to start exercising to lose weight or have been strictly recommended by the doctor for better health.Before we talk about which are the best weight loss exercises for women let us highlight two important benefits of exercising. Working out at least 20 minutes a day helps the body absorb the food better resulting in better regulation of your metabolism. Besides what most of us don't know about exercising is that it helps release “happy hormones” in the body that helps naturally stimulate your mood helping you destress, reduce anxiety and in general feel good about your self. If you dont like exercising alone you can get your friends together to help you get started on a routine. Here are a few exercise techniques that you help you get started immediately.CardioTraining: By far the best exercise for women to lose weight. Cardio is an aerobic form of exercise that involves your heart working more to pump blood which therefore will burn more calories besides keeping your heart strong.Equipment free cardio exercises for women:– Running: Running is an excellent cardio exercises. Running with proper hydration can help you shed that extra weight by burning serious calories. A 60 kg person can easily burn 300 calories in 30 minutes. Running tips can help you not only burn effective calories but also to prevent injury while running.– Ghost/Invisible Skipping: Simplest, yet most effective exercises you can do to burn calories and to increase cardiovascular endurance. Jumping rope can match a total body workout in just 15 to 20 minutes.Whether it is floor or step aerobics, cycling, skipping, treadmill walking or running, or elliptical trainer, cardio exercises is an effective way of burning calories but remember that overtraining can lead to injury and even make you hit weight loss plateau which is difficult to break. Strength TrainingWeight loss exercises for women tend to have a different focus than men. While men concentrate on building muscular chest, biceps and defining abs, women focus their attention on getting a thinner waist, toning upper arms, getting a flat stomach and shaping hips and thighs. A strength training routine with a good mix of exercises customized to an individual’s needs can help get you the ideal figure.Strength training exercises that address target areas for women:– Thighs: Lunges and Squats are best for working out both inner and outer thigh. Lunges – a compound leg directly improves your performance of natural, everyday movements besides sculpting your legs. Add variation like side lunges, lunges with rotation or even dumbbell lunges to hail additional benefits. Dumbbell lunges works on “core” muscles (i.e. abs, obliques, lower back) to help core strengthening as well. Hips: When people think of training glutes, they think of standing leg Kick back as a best exercise. When doing glute kick back, make sure to get a full range of motion by brining your leg as far forward and then extending leg back as far as possible. Following a simple cardio & strength training routine for about 20 minutes a day is enough to start feeling the difference with in a week! Besides it will help boost your immunity, improve your blood flow and make you feel & look younger.