Q: How can I take appointments for doctors in Vasavi Hospital?
A: You can take appointments for doctors who practice in Vasavi Hospital online on Practo.
Q: What do doctors who practice in Vasavi Hospital specialise in?
A: Currently around 19 doctors practice in Vasavi Hospital who specialise as general physician, general surgeon, gynecologist/obstetrician and more.
Q: What are the amenities that Vasavi Hospital has?
A: Hospital has wheelchair and other facilities.
Q: What are the Vasavi Hospital timings?
A: Hospital is usually open 24x7. You can contact the hospital through Practo.
Q: What procedures are performed in Vasavi Hospital?
A: Procedures that can be performed on the hospital are Kidney Transplant and more.
Q: Where is Vasavi Hospital located?
A: Vasavi Hospital is located in 6-1-91, 2nd Floor, Khairatabad, Opposite Meera Talkies, Lakdikapul, Hyderabad, Telangana 500004. You can view more details about the hospital and book doctors on practo.
Vasavi hospital is a reputed and trusted name in the healthcare sector. The hospital boasts of a great team of specialists and medical experts to ensure the quality of medical assistance provided to patients. The hospital values the lives of their patients and aims to provide excellent medical assistance to the community at large to enrich countless lives. With state-of-the-art infrastructure, technologically advanced equipment and experienced team of doctors, Vasavi Hospital has become a reliable healthcare service provider in the region.
Vasavi Hospital is a multi-specialty facility that offers 150 beds with a healthy ambience. The hospital is known for its dedicated team of doctors and specialists who have been providing impeccable medical assistance from diagnosis, treatment, to critical surgeries. The hospital offers you extensive medical services such as Health Check-up (General), Infectious Disease treatment, Nail disease Treatment, Spinal Fusion, Cast Partial Denture, and various others. The hospital offers well- equipped diagnostic lab services within its premises.
Vasavi hospital is known for their path-breaking diagnosis and treatments offered to patients. The support team is available 24*7 to assist you through the admission process and get you connected to the appropriate department and doctors. The hospital welcomes international patients and offers teleconsultation too. They assist the patient with visa and other essential documentation as well.
Vasavi hospital has a number of centres of excellence such as General Surgery, Paediatrics, Neurosurgery, Dentistry, Gynaecology, Orthopaedics, Dermatology, Plastic Surgery and Physiotherapy. The department of dermatology is one of the most popular departments in the hospital and the geographical region as well. The department is headed by Dr. Shivaji Patil, who has brought his 29 years of experience in this field with him. Dr. J. Rajesh is a plastic surgeon and is trusted for his accurate diagnosis and treatment for children. Dr. Dhanunjay Ch and Dr. T Muralidhar Rao are actively associated with the department too. Dr. K.V.S. Narayana is a General Surgeon and he has gathered expertise in Paediatric Surgeries as well. Dr. T Narasimha Rao and Dr. Y Ranganayakulu are associated with the neurology department Several other reputed specialists from different departments are associated with the hospital such as Dr. Samuel Priyaranjan (Department of Pulmonology), Dr. D.V.S. Rama Krishna Prasad (Department of Urology), Dr. K. D. Modi (Department of Endocrinology), Dr. P.S. Vali (Department of Nephrology), Dr. V Venu Gopal (Department of Orthopedics), Dr. Uma Rani (Department of Gynecology), and Dr. Rohini Kumar (Physiotherapist).
The major procedures offered at Vasavi Hospital are Hyper Pigmentation Treatment, Laser Treatment for Ringworm, Medical Vitiligo Treatment, Surgery of the Facial Nerve, Laparoscopic Nephrectomy, ACL Reconstruction, Hip Resurfacing, Spinal Fusion and Hip Replacement.
Apart from the extensive medical assistance provided by the doctors and support staff, the hospital offers you a wide range of facilities like diagnostic lab, 24*7 open pharmacy, emergency services, parking, cafeteria, laundry, internet/ Wi-Fi, and few other services that help you and your family access essentials easily without much hassle. The hospital accepts cash as well as insurance claims as a mode of payment to help you pay for your treatment conveniently. The hospital has two well-equipped ambulances at their disposal.
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