Vivekananda Hospitals is an Ear-Nose-Throat (ENT) Hospital in Begumpet, Hyderabad. The clinic is visited by doctors like Dr. Satya Kiran Avvaru. The timings of Vivekananda Hospitals are: Mon-Sun: 00:00-23:59. Some of the services provided by the Hospital are: Nasal Disorders,Cochlear Implants,Obstructive Sleep Apnea,Hearing Deficiency Assessment and Hearing Aid Fitting etc. Click on map to find directions to reach Vivekananda Hospitals.
Opp. Mainland China, Beside CM Residence
Landmark: Near HDFC Bank
Begumpet, Hyderabad
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Open 24 x 7
Q: How can I take appointments for doctors in Vivekananda Hospitals?
A: You can take appointments for doctors who practice in Vivekananda Hospitals online on Practo.
Q: What do doctors who practice in Vivekananda Hospitals specialise in?
A: Currently around 1 doctor practice in Vivekananda Hospitals who specialises as ear-nose-throat (ent) specialist.
Q: What are the Vivekananda Hospitals timings?
A: Hospital is usually open 24x7. You can contact the hospital through Practo.
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