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26 doctors available in Jabalpur

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Chauhan Dental Clinic

Chauhan Dental Clinic

2 Dentist
21 - 26 years experience
₹200 - ₹300Consultation Fees
97%96 Patient Stories

Dr. Sunil Chauhan

26 years experience overall
300 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Heena Chauhan

21 years experience overall
200 Consultation fee at clinic

More doctors in Jabalpur

Practo does not guarantee confirmed appointments and wait-time with these doctors

Dr. Gaurav Lalwani

19 years experience overall

Dr. Lokesh Singh Rajpoot

19 years experience overall
200 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Prathmesh Rai

15 years experience overall
200 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Rohit Mishra

18 years experience overall

Dr. Rajeshwar Jain

16 years experience overall
100 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Y C Chou

33 years experience overall
100 Consultation fee at clinic


Best Dentists In Jabalpur

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Top Dentists in Jabalpur

1. What does a dentist do?
A dentist is a doctor who takes care of your oral health, including your mouth, jaw, teeth, and gums. You could go to a dentist for teeth cleaning, polishing, filling, extraction, root canal treatment, and for the treatment of oral diseases including tooth decay, gum disease, and mouth cancer. There are various specialisations in dentistry.

2. How often should you go to the dentist?        
Every individual’s health and needs are different, and should be dealt with accordingly. However, as a general rule, adults and children should visit a dentist once every six months. Even if there are no issues with your oral health, it is advisable to have a professional examine your mouth and clean your teeth, if needed.

3. Can I remove tartar from my teeth without visiting the dentist?

Tartar or dental calculus is the yellow-brown hard calcified deposit that forms on your teeth and gums. While there are many suggested home remedies such as baking soda, white vinegar, and orange peels, for tartar removal, it is best to seek help from a dentist for a clean and accurate job.
4. Can a root canal be done by any dentist?
Though general dentists are qualified and trained in performing the root canal procedure, they may also refer patients to an endodontist, who specialises in diagnosing and treating conditions related to tooth pain and performs procedures like root canal.
5. Can a dentist fix a half-broken tooth?
Yes, contact your dentist immediately if you break your tooth. Your dentist will examine the broken tooth and based on the extent of damage, suggest options like a filing to bond the chipped tooth, crown to protect the tooth, surgery to remove the fractured portion of the tooth, a root canal treatment, or tooth extraction.
6. Is teeth whitening a dentist's job?    
Yes, dentists offer professional teeth whitening services that usually work better than at-home teeth whitening solutions. Teeth whitening at the dentist involves applying a peroxide-based bleaching solution to your teeth, and using heat, light, or a combination of the two to intensify the results.    
 7. What type of mirror is used by dentists?
Dentists use a concave (having a surface that curves on the inside) mirror to get a magnified reflection of the inside of your mouth. A concave mirror provides a larger and brighter image while also refracting (bending the direction) light, making it easier for the dentist to see the back of your mouth.

8. Do I need a dentist appointment before consulting?
It is advisable to book an appointment with your dentist prior to going for a consultation, to avoid clashes in availability and long waiting times. Nowadays, it is very easy to book an appointment online with your dentist.

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