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Dr. Rakesh Godara Pulmonologist in Jaipur

Dr. Rakesh Godara

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MBBS, MD - Pulmonary Medicine


15 Years Experience Overall  (12 years as specialist)

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94% (104 patients)

Dr.Rakesh Godara is a Pulmonology, Interventional Pulmonology and Critical care medicine specialist .He is MD (Respiratory Medicine) from S.P.Medical College, Bikaner. He did his IDCCM from Sir Ganga Ram Hospital and FNB (Critical Care Medicine) from Fortis Escorts Hospitals Delhi. He holds European diploma of adult respiratory medicine (EDRM). He had worked and trained in Interventional Pulmonology (IP) in Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore for around 3 years. For a short stint he visited Cleveland clinic for observership in Interventional Pulmonology. He has expertise in all kind of bronchoscopic and pleural procedures including diagnostic and therapeutic work i.e. TBNA, Transbronchial lung biopsy (TBB), EBUS (endobronchial ultrasound), rigid bronchoscopy with tumor debulking, tracheal stenosis dilatation and tracheal stenting.

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