Medical Registration Verified
Dr. Navnit VachhaniM.D. (HOM.), Consultant Homeopathic PhysicianHe is first practicing M.D. Homeopathic Physician in the area Junagadh. His services have been mainly focused on to make the patients free from his suffering and beyond that to make patient living a better quality and energetic life, with long term vision for prevention of diseases and better health.Through years of experience of standard homeopathic practice he excelled in treatment of ALLERGIES with unique approach for best results. Also treated lot number of cases of CHILDREN with different HEALTH PROBLEMS with homeopathy in safe and effective way. Moreover, from study and experience he has identified STRESS as major factor for producing and affecting many disease and also affecting quality of life, after studying and working on it, he has developed special approach to treat it with homeopathy, life style orientation and other effective auxillary measures.
Visited For Headache
You are Kind honest man.
Your services are very Nice sir.
I am satisfied of your treatment.