#88/481,Tukaniapurwa Chauraha, Near Deputy Ka Parao, Kanpur Landmark : Near Deputy Ka Parao, Kanpur
Get DirectionsGandhi Child Care is a Pediatrics/Paediatrics Clinic in Parade, Kanpur. The clinic is visited by doctors like Dr. Chamanpreet Singh Gandhi. The timings of Gandhi Child Care are: Mon-Sat: 15:30-17:30. Some of the services provided by the Clinic are: Limping child,General Medical Consultation,Nutritional Assessment,New Born Care and Nebulizer etc. Click on map to find directions to reach Gandhi Child Care.
Mon - Sat
03:30 - 05:30
Visited Dr. Chamanpreet Singh Gandhi (Pediatrician)
Ultrasound report at 5/10/2024 that multiple enlarge mesentric lymph nodes one of size 15.5×6.9mm. High pain in small intestine few minutes we take analgesic medicine than relive just 5 minute..
Visited Dr. Chamanpreet Singh Gandhi (Pediatrician)
Visited Dr. Chamanpreet Singh Gandhi (Pediatrician)
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