Dr. Md. Aleem Khan


Unani , Sexologist , Sexologist (Unani)

28 years experience overall

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About Dr. Md. Aleem Khan

Dr. Md. Aleem Khan is a Unani Physician in Colonelganj, Kanpur and hasread more
Common Questions
Q :
What is Dr. Md. Aleem Khan's education qualification?
A :
Dr. Md. Aleem Khan has the following qualifications - BUMS, MD - Unani.
Q :
What does Dr. Md. Aleem Khan specialises in ?
A :
Dr. Md. Aleem Khan specialises as Unani, Sexologist, Sexologist (Unani).
Q :
How many years of experience does Dr. Md. Aleem Khan have?
A :
Dr. Md. Aleem Khan has an overall experience of 28 years. View where has Dr. Md. Aleem Khan practiced in the past.
Q :
Who is Dr. Md. Aleem Khan?
A :
Dr. Md. Aleem Khan is a Unani Physician in Colonelganj, Kanpur and has an experience of 25 years in these fields. Dr. Md. Aleem Khan practices at Hamdard Wellness Center in Colonelganj, Kanpur. He completed BUMS from Aligarh Muslim University in 1996 and MD - Unani from Aligarh Muslim University in 2002.. View more details about the doctor on Practo.

Other Information


Sexologist (Unani)


BUMS - Aligarh Muslim University, 1996


08113 Bhartiya Chikitsa Parishad, Uttar Pradesh, 1997

Trainings and Certifications

MD - Unani - Aligarh Muslim University, 2002