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Dr. Prity Ahuja

Dr. Prity Ahuja General Physician in Kanpur

Dr. Prity Ahuja

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General Physician

22 Years Experience Overall

Medical Registration Verified

Dr. Prity Ahuja is a Doctor and has an experience of 22 years in this field. more..

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Common questions & answers

Q: Why do patients visit Dr. Prity Ahuja?

A: Patients frequently visit Dr. Prity Ahuja for Diabetes Management, Health Checkup (General), Fever Treatment. To see more reasons visit the doctor's profile on Practo.

Q: What is Dr. Prity Ahuja's education qualification?

A: Dr. Prity Ahuja has the following qualifications - MBBS, MD - Medicine.

Q: What does Dr. Prity Ahuja specialises in ?

A: Dr. Prity Ahuja specialises as General Physician.

Q: How many years of experience does Dr. Prity Ahuja have?

A: Dr. Prity Ahuja has an overall experience of 22 years. View where has Dr. Prity Ahuja practiced in the past.

Q: Who is Dr. Prity Ahuja?

A: Dr. Prity Ahuja is a Doctor and has an experience of 22 years in this field. She completed MBBS from Government Medical College & Rajendra Hospital,Punjabi University,Patiala in 1999 and MD - Medicine from Govt. Medical College, Amritsar (Punjab, India) in 2003. She is a member of Indian Medical Association (IMA). Some of the services provided by the doctor are: Diabetes Management,Health Checkup (General),Fever Treatment,Infectious Disease Treatment and Obstetrics Problems etc.. View more details about the doctor on Practo.



MBBS - Government Medical College & Rajendra Hospital,Punjabi University,Patiala, 1999


Practo doesn't have degree proofs to verify this education.
MD - Medicine - Govt. Medical College, Amritsar (Punjab, India), 2003


Practo doesn't have degree proofs to verify this education.


Indian Medical Association (IMA)


68335 Uttar Pradesh Medical Council, 2014