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9 Clinics in Kolkata



22 years experience
₹2000Consultation Fees
94%578 Patient Stories
Manipal Hospital Broadway (AMRI Hospitals)

Multi-speciality ClinicSalt Lake

₹800 - ₹1500 Consultation Fees

1 gastrointestinal surgeonMON - SUN 00:00AM - 11:59PM

Dr. Sanjoy Mandal

GastroIntestinal Surgeon

24 years experience

89% • 98 Patient Stories
Manipal Hospitals (AMRI Hospitals)

Multi-speciality ClinicDhakuria and +1 centers

₹600 - ₹3000 Consultation Fees

1 gastrointestinal surgeonMON - SUN 00:00AM - 11:59PM

Dr. Tuhin Subhra Mandal

GastroIntestinal Surgeon

7 years experience

100% • 4 Patient Stories
Salt Lake Speciality Clinic

Multi-speciality ClinicSalt Lake

₹1000 Consultation Fees

1 gastrointestinal surgeonMON - SAT 4:00PM - 5:00PM, SUN 08:00AM - 09:00AM

Dr. Sanjoy Mandal

GastroIntestinal Surgeon

24 years experience

89% • 98 Patient Stories
Heilen Cross Clinic

Gastroenterology ClinicGariahat

₹700 - ₹1000 Consultation Fees

1 gastrointestinal surgeonMON - SUN 09:00AM - 9:30PM

Dr. Debasish Banarjee

GastroIntestinal Surgeon

37 years experience

Southern Polyclinic & Diagnostic

Multi-speciality ClinicGariahat

₹1000 Consultation Fees

1 gastrointestinal surgeonMON - SAT 10:00AM - 3:00PM

Dr. Sumit Gulati

GastroIntestinal Surgeon

23 years experience

75% • 4 Patient Stories
Apollo Gleneagles Hospitals

Multi-speciality ClinicSalt Lake

₹500 - ₹1800 Consultation Fees

1 gastrointestinal surgeonMON - SAT 09:00AM - 6:00PM

Dr. Debasish Banarjee

GastroIntestinal Surgeon

37 years experience

Speciality Clinic, Gastrointestinal & HPB Surgery, Peerless Hospital

Gastroenterology ClinicPanchasayar

₹650 Consultation Fees

1 gastrointestinal surgeonMON - SAT 08:30AM - 9:00PM

Dr. Somak Das

GastroIntestinal Surgeon

17 years experience

IPGMER and SSKM Hospital

Multi-speciality ClinicA.J.C.Bose Road

₹0 - ₹1000 Consultation Fees

1 gastrointestinal surgeonMON - SUN 09:00AM - 9:00PM

Dr. Somak Das

GastroIntestinal Surgeon

17 years experience

Apollo Gleneagles Cancer Hospital

Multi-speciality ClinicSalt Lake and +1 centers

₹400 - ₹1200 Consultation Fees

1 gastrointestinal surgeonMON - SAT 09:00AM - 6:00PM

Dr. Debasish Banarjee

GastroIntestinal Surgeon

37 years experience

Gastrointestinal Surgery Clinics

Clinic Overview in Kolkata

Min Avg Max
Fee - 988 3000
Wait Time30 min60 min90 min