Medical Registration Verified
87% (46 patients)
Dr. Barnali Ghoshis completed MBBS, MD (G&O) a renowned Gynecologist and Obstetrician with specialization in Laparoscopy and Infertility having nearly 2 decades of successful practice. Combines knowledge, wisdom, experience and passion as a perfect blend in clinical practice. Considered as a source of inspiration, support, and pillar of help by the peers and colleagues. Established herself through a very bright and colorful academic career and constant knowledge up gradation thereafter. Attends all major subject oriented scientific conferences – both national and international, as a delegate, panelist, coordinator, and speaker. Acclaimed as a fabulous orator with great communication skills in the peer circle.
Visited For Pregnant
Our experience was fantastic, she is a master in her profession , will give 5 star rating towards her commitment to the society. She is the only consultant whom I know ,who works round the clock patiently with ease and smile .I guess she could be the one of the topmost gynecologist in the eastern zone
Visited For Pregnant
*** ******* ***** ** **** ****** ** ******** I consult her for my pregnancy and my first three months are really comfortable. She is very polite and well experienced. She understands every point of my situtation what i am going through. Now we moved to another State and started my treatment at new place. I wish her all the best.
Visited For PCOD/PCOS Treatment
Hoped for better: Doctor friendlinessWait time
Extremely rude, judgemental, and abusive doctor. During my first consultation with her, the waiting time was 1.5 hours, and throughout the session, she needlessly fat shamed me and insulted my mother. I am aware that she is an experienced professional, but *** ***** ** ***** **** it's inappropriate to throw insults and judgemental statements at people without knowing about their medical history.
Visited For Abortion / Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP)
Hoped for better: Doctor friendlinessExplanation of the health issueWait time
The waiting time is really prolonged one. I was given time at 2 in afternoon that got delayed till 3 and further pushed to 4 past 15 mins. I really needed a detailed explanation regarding the processes that was suggested to me by doctor as i am unaware of the pros and cons of the same. But as i tried to ask about the medicinal aspect of tge same other than surgerical one she literally snapped at me and unnecessarly being really insulting. This is not done. If i need to decide on my own on which treatment i like to opt that i should have an awareness of the same. That can olny be done if doctor is explaining in unbiased way with a little patience without baffling the patient and snapping at them.
Visited For Abortion / Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP)
Hoped for better: Explanation of the health issueTreatment satisfactionValue for moneyDoctor friendlinessWait time
My sister went for abortion as she was also fcing gall bladder stone pain .doctor did test n ol took 15k fr abortion , asked her to get admitted . **** *** *** ***** **** *** ** **** ****** * * ******** *** *** **** ************ * **** ******* *** ********* * barnali ghosh wanted to operate once again *** ***** *** * **** ***** * **** ** ******** * she accused my sister i dint invited you to abort , u came to do it ,y u came to abort , **** ** *** **** ****** ** **** ******* ***** * ******* ****** * ** ******** *
Visited For Maternal Care/ Checkup
Hoped for better: Doctor friendlinessWait time
I recommend the doctor she is best in what's she does off course experience matters n she have it, but visit her and decide.she won't be available on phone as she doesn't share number even when she know patient she will be operating after a week and the water can break anytime (delivery).SO visit N DeCIdehave been going to doctor over last 10 months, have visited her in all locations she sits, including her own hospital. Based on distance vicinity one can choose though Appolo & Charnock would be preferable as OPDShe is good in what she does and specializes in thatonly thing I feel n so the staff in various clinic's is her behaviour, very adamant, always sarcastic and not so discourteous attitude.If it's fine you may visit :)best of luck
Visited For Gynae Problems
Happy with: Doctor friendliness
Doctor was so friendly, we felt free and easily could share our problems as a couple. We were very much satisfied.
Visited For Pregnancy
Happy with: Doctor friendliness
I had been going through an amazing and smooth journey during my pregnancy and the most important person who made this journey so memorable is Dr. Barnali Ghosh.
Visited For Pregnancy Check Up
Happy with: Explanation of the health issue
Doctor is friendliness for patient and give good advice regarding pregnancy like what to do or what don't do during pregnancy
Visited For Pregnancy Check Up
Happy with: Doctor friendlinessExplanation of the health issueTreatment satisfaction
Very calm and friendly. A patient immediately gains trust in her and it is all because of her experience. A kind and extremely humble human being under the Apron of a doctor. God bless her.