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Dr. Gouri Kumra Obstetrician in Kolkata

Dr. Gouri Kumra

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MD - Obstetrics & Gynaecology



Infertility Specialist

39 Years Experience Overall  (32 years as specialist)

Medical Registration Verified

82% (61 patients)

Dr. Gouri Kumra is a multi-tasked and multidimensional and creativity motivates her to work with passion. She charged when challenges approach her never to give in to fears but reflect within.Her team is as energetic, enthusiastic and evolving. Her motivate and ensures that the patient approaches without fear and prescription slip is a motivational tool and chamber harbours her paintings which mesmerize the mind to reflect and unfold. Many infertile couples have left happily as they have unfolded themselves.Also running Maitri New Mom School which is going to facilitate and empower the new moms with information on one new baby care, personal care, lactation support.

Patient Stories for Dr. Gouri Kumra
These are patient’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the doctor’s medical capabilities. Read more
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