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Dr. Sujoy Saha
MD - Physician
General Physician
6 years experience overall
Moregram Mediserv Diagnostic Centre
₹300(approx.) fee
Clinic Appointment
Instantly consult other General Physician online.
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About Dr. Sujoy Saha
Dr. Sujoy Saha is a Doctor in Moregram, Murshidabad and has an experie…read morence of 6 years in this field. Dr. Sujoy Saha practices at Mediserv Diagnostic Centre in Moregram, Murshidabad. He completed MD - Physician from Tver State Medical University in less
How many years of experience does Dr. Sujoy Saha have?
A :
Dr. Sujoy Saha has an overall experience of 6 years. View where has Dr. Sujoy Saha practiced in the past.
Q :
Who is Dr. Sujoy Saha?
A :
Dr. Sujoy Saha is a Doctor in Moregram, Murshidabad and has an experience of 6 years in this field. Dr. Sujoy Saha practices at Mediserv Diagnostic Centre in Moregram, Murshidabad. He completed MD - Physician from Tver State Medical University in 2019.. View more details about the doctor on Practo.
Other Information
General Physician
MD - Physician - Tver State Medical University, 2019