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More doctors in Agarpara
Practo does not guarantee confirmed appointments and wait-time with these doctors
Name | Recommended By | Review Count | Years of Experience | Fee |
Dr. Parijat Sanyal | 50% | 2 | 13 | 600 |
Dr. Subidita Chatterjee | 90% | 575 | 40 | 1000 |
Dr. Suchandra Mukhopadhyay | 95% | 19 | 27 | 1000 |
Dr. Nandini Chakrabarti | 55% | 33 | 32 | 1000 |
Dr. Arunima Haldar | 94% | 117 | 16 | 600 |
Dr. Vineeta Verma | 100% | 5 | 38 | 1500 |
Dr. Sreya Battacharyya | 100% | 5 | 13 | 0 |
Dr. Akanksha Jangid | 88% | 8 | 16 | 1000 |
Dr. Lalima Banerjee | 94% | 17 | 28 | 600 |