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1. What are the causes of atrial fribrillation?
Atrial fibrillation occurs due to high BP, heart attack, coronary artery disease, abnormal heart valves, metabolic disorders, sick sinus syndrome, congenital heart defects, lung diseases, excessive use of stimulants such as caffeine, tobacco, alcohol, etc.
2. Can one die from atrial fibrillation?
Most of the times, individuals do not die because of atrial fibrillation. However, in the presence of blood clots in heart, the blood clots can travel to the brain and cause artery blockage, thereby leading to stroke, which can be fatal.
3. What are the symptoms of atrial fibrillation?
The primary symptoms of atrial fibrillation are palpitations, dizziness, chest pain, shortness of breath, weakness and fatigue. Most of the times, the patient is not cognizant with the symptoms. Therefore, a doctor must be consulted.
4. Is atrial fibrillation a medical emergency?
Usually, atrial fibrillation is not life threatening though it becomes a serious medical condition that requires emergency treatment, especially during the formation of blood clots that can travel to brain, thereby causing stroke.
5. What is atrial fibrillation?
Atrial fibrillation is a medical condition in which there are irregular rapid heartbeats that result in poor blood flow, further leading to heart failure, stroke, etc. The two chambers of heart irregularly (out of coordination) pump blood in case of atrial fibrillation.
Name | Recommended By | Review Count | Years of Experience | Fee |
Dr. Lt. Col. R P Singh | 100% | 1 | 20 | 750 |
Dr. Amit Chaudhary | 100% | 2 | 18 | 500 |
Dr. Rajiv Rastogi | 70% | 4 | 29 | 500 |
Dr. H K Rastogi | 67% | 2 | 43 | 300 |
Dr. Gaurav Jain | 75% | 7 | 23 | 500 |
Dr. D.R Singh | 100% | 1 | 37 | 300 |
Dr. Ujjwal Maheshwari | 100% | 9 | 15 | 120 |