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    3 Orthodontics Clinics in Maya Nagar, Ludhiana

  1. Estb Image

    Advanced Orthodontics

    Dentistry ClinicMaya nagar

    ₹500 Consultation Fees

    1 orthodontistOpen Today10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
    Doctor Image

    Dr. Saurabh Goel


    27 years experience

    96% • 26 Patient Stories
  2. Estb Image

    Dr. Garg's Dental Care

    Orthodontics ClinicModel Town

    ₹100 - ₹200 Consultation Fees

    1 orthodontistOpen Today9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
    Doctor Image

    Dr. Rahul Garg


    16 years experience

    100% • 43 Patient Stories
  3. Estb Image

    MARG & The Brace Place

    Multi-speciality ClinicBRS Nagar

    ₹500 - ₹700 Consultation Fees

    1 orthodontistOpen Today9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
    Doctor Image

    Dr. Anjuman


    21 years experience

    100% • 67 Patient Stories

Orthodontics Clinics in Maya Nagar, Ludhiana

Average Ratings
 (435 Reviews & Ratings)

Clinic Overview in Maya nagar

Min Avg Max
Fee 100 416 700
Wait Time30 min60 min90 min